Functional Medicine

Initial consultation | $245 (Includes baseline biomarkers and follow-up consultation)

Embrace a holistic approach to health with Functional Medicine at Golden Essence Wellness, where we integrate the best of Western medical practices with a thorough, evidence-based strategy. Our focus is on understanding and treating the underlying causes of disease, rather than merely addressing symptoms.

Our process begins with a comprehensive blood chemistry panel. This initial test provides valuable biomarkers that offer deep insights into your overall health. Should any results come back unexpected or out of range, we then proceed with more targeted lab tests. This focused approach ensures we accurately pinpoint and address the root causes of your health concerns.

At Golden Essence Wellness, we also offer the latest in cutting-edge supplements and nutraceuticals. These are meticulously selected to support and enhance the functional performance of your body's physiological processes and organ systems.

Functional Medicine is ideal for anyone seeking a detailed and proactive approach to health care. Discover how we can help you achieve optimal health and vitality.

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For reservations or information:

Call us at (559) 734-1967

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